Thursday, January 7, 2010

Say whaaaaaaaaat?

There are many advertisements that surround us everywhere. Malls, television, internet, billboards, and such. Some can show an impact to society and others can be as negative and show a true meaning as possible. People making the ads are trying to promote and be creative as possible. Advertisements in 1950 are going way beyond creative as possible.

I think the ads in the past very shocking and disgusting. For example, eating lard doesn't make you happy. Eating lard is like eating fat. Also, blowing cigarette smoke on a woman’s face doesn't make her follow you, it makes her feel like she would just want to not see you again.

The first ad shows how swallowing a sanitized tapeworm would make you thin no matter what you eat. I think this is disgusting and also poses a health risk. I also think this ad sends a bad message to viewers. It’s basically telling many individuals that swallowing a worm is way better than being overweight. Today, you won’t see this type of ad as it wouldn’t be allowed. I remember watching an episode of 1000 ways to die during the winter break and showing how swallowing a tapeworm can kill you. It would take weeks for the tape worm to grow inside your body and would start sucking out parts of your body such as your lungs.

The second ad shows how blowing excess from a cigarette would make her follow you. This advertisement shows how it is sexist and degrading to women. Also, this advertisement shows how disrespectful the behaviour is shown toward female individuals. In many different ways, this ad is inappropriate.

The third ad shows how eating lard would create a positive ‘you’ and your family. I think this ad would be a health issue. I don’t think eating lard would be healthy generally to anyone. This ad claims you would have a healthy lifestyle no matter what.

The last ad shows how doctors smoke camels more than anything else. It proves that smoking this ‘camel’ is good for you because the picture shows a doctor! With the doctor on the ad, this means it should be safe. This ad is surprising because it shows a positive role model saying how a cigarette is great for you.

These ads were probably put onto public because no one knew the side effects and what would happen when using the products that were advertised such as cigarettes. The probably didn't know how it can give you lung cancer and such. Overall, these ads were pretty shocking on how they were in the '50s.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, these ads were pretty ridiculous, but I'm sure the people in the 50s didn't perceive it as we do now. They aren't as educated as we are about the health effects of swallowing live tape worms, nor are they as sensitive to gender injustice. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the people from this generation were persuaded by these ads into buying the products. I guess time -- even if it's just a mere fifty years -- can really make a difference between a society's culture and mindset! It would be pretty embarrassing if anyone today actually fell for these ads, haha.
