Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Refreshing taste

I found the advertising video very effective and encouraging for many healthy peers wanting to become healthy generally in life. However, this ad won’t change me to stop drinking pop. I’m not saying I’m not healthy enough and that I don’t eat healthy food but the video trying to persuade me to stop drinking pop won’t work. Although, I give them credits for speaking the truth and showing the disgusting video, I think that pop shouldn’t have a tax. Instead, we should find ways for many people to reduce their consumption of pop.

At the moment, I don’t think Canada has a concern for obesity. According to the US Census Bureau, most Americans are considered as overweight and half of them are in the category of obesity. I’m guessing that 0.1% of the cause of obesity has to do with pop.

I don’t think that Canada would ever have a tax in soda. With thought, there is no country that has a perfect society with perfect health conditions. Many people have their own opinions on the tax proposal but they also have a choice if they can drink or not. Who doesn’t like pop? Even though it can be bad for you, it can also be tasteful and refreshing. I usually drink pop at least three times a week but if they were to add a tax, I would probably just stop at all. Taxing sodas would probably help the obesity but will also affect the consumers and the markets. If the government places a tax, many people would probably not buy the soda but the company would get affected a lot. If pop were to get a tax what about the other junk foods that cause obesity like chips and candy? I just think this pop tax is stupid and shouldn’t be put as a tax.

Photoshopping Dignity

Photoshopped images are amazing. But when you photoshop someone’s body image, I think it’s not so great. When looking at a photo, I usually think if it looks photoshopped or not because some photos aren’t always what they seem to be. Programs like Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator is causing chaos the way we perceive on how natural beauty should really look like. I believe that businesses and companies Photoshop images to make you feel in doubt and would want you to buy their product and make money out of it.

Many people edit or Photoshop themselves before posting online because of the media. The media is the one to blame for all this nonsense. Many individuals blame the media because they want to change their appearance so that they would want to look like celebrities and such. Celebrities know how the media can influence many individuals in many good or bad ways.

Modeling with celebrities and new or old models baring themselves from Photoshop and make-up is a great idea. It gives the people who are discouraged with the way they look an encouragement of what they are true to be. We see people in real life, their true weight, size, and without make-up right? It doesn’t take us away from liking them. Manipulating photos are very negative because they tell and encourage us that we should be more like them. They way they look, their attitude, their personality, and such. With technology growing, there would be more programs, just like Photoshop, that would be more complex and would be so detailed that you would think it wouldn’t be edited when it really is. This would give the companies the advantage to their products and a disadvantage to society because of the way people who would want to be like in the media.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What? I so shot you first!

Gaming is my life! Not really, but I usually play games a lot. Gaming has evolved from time to time. Many video games have been the center of controversy. For example, ever heard of Grand Theft Auto? This game has been hit with many negative controversies because of it's intimidation and the way it reflects to society. I read a article two years ago about a 6 year old boy learning to drive claiming that he learned from the game. Many people believe that video games can be for fun while others believe that it can be very addicting. Today, gaming has revolutionized society and the way we take advantage of them. I think it's wonderful how our technology has grown and gets more in depth in just 50 years. From arcade games to 2D games and up to 3D games, video games have changed drastically. With the many details and the high definition graphics, you would for sure have a great time. However, with many teenagers spending too much time playing video games, do you think addiction is getting out of hand? Many parents tend to take away their children's video games because of their poor performance at school or maybe because of their bad attitude of what they learn. But hey, we just want to have fun right? The point of video games is to have fun, be entertained, and to pass time. Video games can also set up accomplishments. For example, a lot of people in the school has the video game Modern Warfare 2. Why? Who knows. Is it fun to play with friends online? Sure it is. It's also fun to bloat who has the higher rank or kill/death ratio. My point is that video games can boost up your self-esteem and how you can achieve your goal by finishing the game or such.

I don't think video games are disguised as wolves in sheep clothing. Video games is a great piece of technology that has evolved from time to time. Who uses a joystick now-a-days when you can use a Wii nun chuck and remote? Also, how fit can you be when you can try out Wii fit? Want to be on television? Try out PlayStation's Eye-Toy or Xbox's Project Natal! This proves how video games can be more innovated as time goes on.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I use Axe. A lot of girls are chasing me.

Ever since dove launched their campaign in 2004, it has changed the face of the media and woman, especially young girls. Since its launch, Dove tried to change the perspective of woman and show how beautiful they truly are in their own way. However, Dove’s partnering company Axe shows a different perspective to a different audience. Axe believes that its fragrance would attract many beautiful, model-like women to men. It’s like the women are fighting for the last piece of cake on earth when the man sprays axe on himself.

I think this Dove Beauty Campaign is a great idea. The Dove campaign, which has been launched for 6 years, shows how beautiful woman can really be in their own way without anyone to judge them. Dove’s beauty campaign advertising is very effective and is promoting how women should not compare themselves with other models and such. With Dove’s campaign impacting the way with how we think with others, Dove is helping society accept that not everyone can look as pretty or beautiful. Dove also attempts to get women to accept their bodies and be considered beautiful in their own way without being classified as ‘overweight’ or ‘anorexic’.

On the other hand, the Axe effect campaign shows a different message. Although the message isn’t positive, it still has some laughs in it. Any guy think spraying heavy loads of axe on to their body, neck, and such is crazy. Obviously, by the spray of heavy loaded axe, it won’t attract anyone. Girls don’t like the smell of overpowered axe and maybe your friends don’t like it either. I don’t think that it’s bad to use it; I just think it’s like any other fragrance.

I don’t think the ‘parent’ company for the two products is responsible for having their same beliefs or values. Dove and Axe are two different brands but they aren’t the same company. Obviously their job is to promote their product as best as they can so consumers could buy it even if it’s making a campaign or adding humour. All they want is money. Its business. People need money to live. I don’t think Axe is sending a negative message when it comes to females. They just want an appealing presentation when performing their product to viewers. In conclusion, I think the ‘parent’ company isn’t responsible for changing both brands.

(Get it? 'cause nuts are attracted to screws. Ha ha haa ....)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Say whaaaaaaaaat?

There are many advertisements that surround us everywhere. Malls, television, internet, billboards, and such. Some can show an impact to society and others can be as negative and show a true meaning as possible. People making the ads are trying to promote and be creative as possible. Advertisements in 1950 are going way beyond creative as possible.

I think the ads in the past very shocking and disgusting. For example, eating lard doesn't make you happy. Eating lard is like eating fat. Also, blowing cigarette smoke on a woman’s face doesn't make her follow you, it makes her feel like she would just want to not see you again.

The first ad shows how swallowing a sanitized tapeworm would make you thin no matter what you eat. I think this is disgusting and also poses a health risk. I also think this ad sends a bad message to viewers. It’s basically telling many individuals that swallowing a worm is way better than being overweight. Today, you won’t see this type of ad as it wouldn’t be allowed. I remember watching an episode of 1000 ways to die during the winter break and showing how swallowing a tapeworm can kill you. It would take weeks for the tape worm to grow inside your body and would start sucking out parts of your body such as your lungs.

The second ad shows how blowing excess from a cigarette would make her follow you. This advertisement shows how it is sexist and degrading to women. Also, this advertisement shows how disrespectful the behaviour is shown toward female individuals. In many different ways, this ad is inappropriate.

The third ad shows how eating lard would create a positive ‘you’ and your family. I think this ad would be a health issue. I don’t think eating lard would be healthy generally to anyone. This ad claims you would have a healthy lifestyle no matter what.

The last ad shows how doctors smoke camels more than anything else. It proves that smoking this ‘camel’ is good for you because the picture shows a doctor! With the doctor on the ad, this means it should be safe. This ad is surprising because it shows a positive role model saying how a cigarette is great for you.

These ads were probably put onto public because no one knew the side effects and what would happen when using the products that were advertised such as cigarettes. The probably didn't know how it can give you lung cancer and such. Overall, these ads were pretty shocking on how they were in the '50s.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A great way to stalk people

So I decided to try out this new Google feature and it's pretty awesome. It works just like a GPS and how you can navigate around. This shows how revolutionary our technology is growing in our society. Each year, many innovated technology is in the making. It's like how a modern black and white TV would evolve to a flat screen TV. Also, how road maps can turn into real time maps. I think this new street view would be a great idea because many tourists can get a glimpse of what to expect when using the street view such as Times Square or Yonge and Dundas. Why use a map as a resource when you can use Street View?

I don't think that it would invade anyone's privacy because most faces and license plates are blurred out. Then again, Google has gotten many pictures of all houses that other people wouldn't want their house to be put out on the internet. It is possible to find many weird things in this Street View. For example, when I was playing around with this technology, I found someone’s front entrance on fire. Weird right? Many people have criticized how this 'street view' can stalk people and know where they live.

Aside from how great this technology is, it tends to have some glitches in it. I found out on the news and the newspaper on how there are two CN Towers combined. This controversy was everywhere back then. Yet, from this day, Google still never fixed this glitch yet.

Overall, aside from the flaws and privacy issues, this Street View is a wonderful piece of technology for seeing fantastic sites or just wondering what to expect at a current area. It would be wonderful to help me look around many certain places around the world.